My Services

Initial Consultation (home)

1 hour 30 minutes $175

initial consult for a variety of issues including but not limited to latching difficulties, slow or low weight gain, building/increasing supply, pumping for returning to work or school, exclusive pumping, possible oral ties, bottle refusal, bringing baby back to the breast, learning to feed via cup/spoon/syringe/supplemental nursing system (SNS), breastfeeding while baby is teething, engorgement, possible mastitis, breastfeeding/pumping through illness or surgeries or procedures (parent and/or child), breastfeeding or pumping through pregnancy or infant/child loss, weaning

Follow-up Visit (home)

1 hour $75

follow-up for any concerns after initial consultation

Initial Consultation (virtual)

1 hour 30 minutes $150

initial consult for a variety of issues including but not limited to latching difficulties, slow or low weight gain, building/increasing supply, pumping for returning to work or school, exclusive pumping, possible oral ties, bottle refusal, bringing baby back to the breast, learning to feed via cup/spoon/syringe/supplemental nursing system (SNS), breastfeeding while baby is teething, engorgement, possible mastitis, breastfeeding/pumping through illness or surgeries or procedures (parent and/or child), breastfeeding or pumping through pregnancy or infant/child loss, weaning

Follow-up Visit (virtual)

1 hour $50

follow-up for any concerns after initial consultation

Breastfeeding Class (virtual)

1 hour $25

(private class for one client at a time)

information given on breastfeeding full-term infants without complications

***information for breastfeeding multiples, NICU, or other special circumstances will be given on a case-by-case basis***

Pumping Class (virtual)

1 hour $25

(private class for one client at a time)

basic information as well as information on pumping specific to parent’s goals-building supply, returning to work/school, baby/babies in the NICU, short term pumping, exclusive pumping, traveling (short and long trips-vacation or moving), bereavement pumping, proper cleaning of bottles and all equipment, when to replace parts, how to optimize milk production